Por Carlos Eduardo de Lima Peres
Names aren’t just for people anymore — they’re part of our slang! One fascinating trend in modern slang is the use of people’s names to describe actions, attitudes or qualities. So, today, we’ll dive into some of the most popular names used in English slang (as well as their translations to Portuguese), just check them out now!
Debbie Downer – a depressed and negative woman
She always finds a reason to complain; she’s such a Debbie Downer. (Ela sempre encontra um motivo para reclamar; ela é uma verdadeira Debbie Downer.)
Jack-of-all-trades – an individual who knows a little about everything
He’s a Jack-of-all-trades; he can fix cars, paint houses, and even build furniture. (Ele é um faz-tudo; ele pode consertar carros, pintar casas e até construir móveis)
Joe Schmoe – man in general
I’m just a regular Joe Schmoe trying to get by in life. (Sou apenas um cara comum tentando sobreviver na vida)
John – bathroom, latrine
After a long drive, the first thing I did was find the John. (Depois de uma longa viagem, a primeira coisa que fiz foi encontrar o banheiro.)
Karen – a demanding and often rude woman, especially in interactions with service workers
That woman is such a Karen; she yelled at the waiter for no reason. (Aquela mulher é uma verdadeira Karen; ela gritou com o garçom sem motivo.)
Juan (Don Juan) – a handsome and romantic man
He’s trying to act like a Don Juan, but his romantic gestures feel forced. (Ele está tentando agir como um Don Juan, mas seus gestos românticos parecem forçados)
For Pete’s sake – exclamation denoting surprise and annoyance
For Pete’s sake, can you stop making so much noise? (Pelo amor de Deus, você pode parar de fazer tanto barulho?)
Roger – communication received
Roger, I’ll proceed with the instructions. (Entendido, vou prosseguir com as instruções)
Uncle Sam – the United States government
Uncle Sam wants you to enlist in the army! (Tio Sam quer que você se aliste no exército!)
Slang terms like ‘Debbie Downer’ and ‘Uncle Sam’ are more than just expressions; they’re windows into American culture. As you learn English, pay attention to these phrases and discover the stories behind them, incorporating them into everyday language. Try using them in conversations, writing, or even in creative storytelling. Have fun!
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